What causes “Pterygium”?

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What causes “Pterygium”?

Pterygium, or surfer’s eye, is a growth of fleshy tissue that covers the conjunctiva, the clear membrane covering the white part of the eye and the inner eyelids. Usually grows from the inner corner of the eye, but can also grow from the outer corner.

That is benign and non-cancerous, but may affect vision if it grows big enough to cover the cornea, the transparent part of the eye that lets in light. Can start as a pinguecula, a raised, white or yellow growth on the conjunctiva.

Causes of pterygium

      Although the exact cause still unknown, there are several risk factors that may be involved, especially those who are exposed to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation for a long time, those. Who have dry eyes, and those who are irritated by wind, dust, smoke, pollution or sand, such as those who work outdoors, farmers, fishermen and those. Who live near the equator. Usually occurs in males between the ages of 20 and 40,  and those who have fair skin or light-colored eyes may also be at risk of developing pterygium.

How does Pterygium Develop?

Pterygium or surfer’s eye is thought to https://ufabet999.app develop from prolonged exposure to UV radiation and environmental factors such as wind, dust and sand from dry and hot climates. A pterygium will usually begin to develop as a raised growth on the conjunctiva part of the eye.

How Common is Pterygium?

Common eye condition, affecting around 1 in 100 Australians. More common in older people and in males. It is estimate that 12% of Australian men over 60 have the condition. Also more common in those that spend extended periods of time exposed to the sun, as well as wind, dust and hot, dry, environments.

Is Pterygium the Most Common Corneal Disease?

One of the most common corneal diseases in countries where there is a hot, windy and dry climate, such as Australia. Pterygium is one of the most common corneal diseases in Australia. approximately every 1 in 100 Australians will develop.

What are the Different Pterygium Stages?

There are no definitive stages of pterygium. However may look different and show different symptoms depending on the progression of the condition. When first begins to grow in the early stages, symptoms can be painless. But cause mild discomfort such as red and inflamed conjunctiva or an itchy, burning or gritty feeling in the eye. As the condition progresses and moves into its later stages. Can cause dry eyes, and diminished vision if it covers the conjunctiva.